Book News and a Great Giveaway

This week I have a few bits of news to share regarding my own writing and other bookish matters.First up, I'm currently the guest blogger over at Australian Rural Romance. This is a great site where anyone interested in reading Rural Romance - or really, just great Australian fiction - can find information on a crop of wonderful writers. You can click hereΒ to read my blog post on why I write about fictional towns and how I choose the settings for my novels.On the ARR site you can also subscribe to get regular updates on what's happening and take part in a Valentine's Day Giveaway and win a bunch of books. Click here to go straight to the contest information.  Book Bouquet And for anyone interested in non-fiction a new book by the talented Ross Davies has just been released. It tells the tale of Miles Franklin and her two closest friends. Watch a trailer for the book here:  Three Brilliant Careers is available at ABC Stores and Dymocks.Short and sweet this week.Hope you're having a good one.


Tutoring The Year Of The Novel Online for QWC


A Year of Writing Coming Up In 2015